In our daily lives, we live in a continuous life cycle that disrupts us from our focal points that mean much to our existence. One of the most important vital necessities humans should practice daily is meditation. Meditation will help enrich your lifestyle by calming your stress levels, helping with your breathing exercises, and could potentially help solve with your time management and focus. Regardless of how you view meditation, there are numerous ways to find meditation methods that work well within our bodies and with our daily busy schedules. Stick around to learn more about the levels you can achieve by practicing meditation, and how meditation can help improve your life as an individual being. Grab your snacks because this is about to get interesting!
Physical Exercise- Now I know what you’re thinking! How does physical exercise correlate with meditation? The short answer is time management, and breathing exercises. Although physical exercise and meditation focus on different qualities in your life, combining physical exercise with mindful meditation would give you extraordinary power back to your hands! To put this into perspective, when an individual practices any level of physical activity, the heart produces blood that circulates within the bloodstream. In order for our organs to perform at a neutral level, our body requires oxygen as well, which almost identifies meditation. One example that brings the two together is intensity. Depending on your physical activity, it’s mainly important to focus on breathing. Proper breathing can help calm your whole entire body including your mind. If you play sports, for instance, you may be familiar with stamina and the importance to level your stamina. Did you know that without the proper breathing technique, your oxygen levels that help produce energy can diminish very quickly than those who focus on breathing? To take this a little bit further, without the proper breathing exercises, your body is prone to injury during high-level intensity workouts. Breathing exercises are often overlooked, yet they can be a challenge in your life if you don’t practice them daily. During my sessions, I’d like to sit down with my legs crossed and practice breathing through my nose. At the same time, I love to practice deep breaths by inhaling through the nose and exhaling slowly after two seconds of inhaling. Your mind and physical body are at risk each day if you don’t set up 5-10 minutes a day practicing deep breaths. the best part about this is that it cost absolutely nothing but time to get started unless, of course, you need some comfort during your meditation, then I suggest you check out comfort mats
Reading- one of the ways I learned about time management, focus, and general knowledge was through reading. Just like breathing, reading is also free depending on your source. The focal points I want to point out about reading are that reading exercises your brain, improves sleep, and also reduces stress levels. Therefore reading makes the list of the meditation world, so let’s talk about it! Often times we’re constantly on social media scrolling through endless content. Depending on your intentions, you can either use social platforms to gain knowledge or watch endless entertaining videos. Knowledge and consuming entertainment require our limited time of 24 hours in a day. The key difference between the two is one gains knowledge while the other loses time ultimately. Don’t get me wrong though gaining knowledge without action is just as time-consuming as watching entertaining videos on social platforms. Now we all know the benefits that come along with reading, but did you know reading helps create focus? A wise man once told me to make time for everything. Oftentimes, we forget about time, especially if we’re being entertained at the moment. You can sit down in your gaming chair and before you know it, it’s time for bedtime. I have my fair share of playing video games at an early age, and I have realized much of my time was consumed on video games. Although video games have their own perks, they can become very addictive habits. Spending much time on entertainment means you’re taking away focus on other important aspects of your life such as meditation, getting your daily pump at the gym, and most importantly family time. Losing balance in life can be very stressful, and the time that we can’t physically control means the creation of anxiety and stress. Reading can become very addicting depending on the narrative of the book, but that can be easily resolved by placing a bookmark and continuing later on. Often times when we’re reading, we get a notification on our cellular devices which causes distractions. Reading teaches you to continue reading, especially in long chapters. We’re so eager to finish the whole chapter before we compress the two ends together.
Books I recommend reading are:
When I hear the word “Yoga”, the first thing that runs through my mind is muscle and mind breaths. Our bodies are compressed and gravity just adds weight to them. Think about it, we’re constantly on our feet moving with society and we don’t make stretching important in our lives. Ask yourself when was the last time you woke up from bed and gave a bit of time to yourself to stretch your entire body. If you played any physical sports or even weight lifting, why do you think it’s important to stretch before your training, during your training, and even after you completed your training? The short answer is muscle breaths, as your muscles require a level of oxygen to prevent injuries, and the process to build more muscles in key areas you’re focused on building. Giving yourself time to stretch every time you roll off bed has its own benefits and doing so every day unlocks calm, and focused sessions. Stretching also helps reduce anxiety, along with depression, but ultimately, stretching gives us the sense to keep moving forward in life. Furthermore, the benefit that runs along with stretching is flexibility which makes us more prone to injuries. Yoga helps with your breathing exercises and gives you a sense of how to manage your time well. Stretching is supposed to feel good and if you feel pain while stretching, I suggest speaking with your doctor or specialist. Yoga is important to your mobility and access to move freely. Mobility is important because it decreases the chance of damaged joints in the future and with discomfort, it’s difficult to enjoy life.
Pets are our happiness, our motivators, and our loved ones. Our adorable pets help us relieve anxiety and stress levels while protecting us from outside intruders in our home. Oftentimes we’re so busy with our lives that we forget about our loved ones at home. The moment we arrive home they’re full of excitement and happy to see us, which in return excites and boosts our happiness. Our beloved pets add warm excitement to our home, and they add life to our existence. Our pets try to understand us in all they can, even with language barriers. Full of innocence, they’re ready to provide us with their service at any given moment. Pets themselves go through stress and pain, especially if they’re not around us. We’re often busy in life thinking about work and relationships while all they think about is us. I believe we as pet owners should give much love back to our fur babies, and often times our pets don’t have enough hydration throughout the day. Places such as Arizona gives them more stress to deal with since they carry coat on them, causing your loved ones to become dehydrated and unfit to move alongside the blazing heat! It is our job as caretakers to provide the necessary items for our pets, so they may continue living healthily! Often times we forget necessary items for our pets, and when we’re out and about, it’s important to carry a portable water bottle so that your pets could stay hydrated all the time. The issue with portable water bottles today is that it’s not specifically made or it doesn’t have the functionality and size that were made for your pet. Add style to your fur baby’s lifestyle while protecting them from dehydration by adding products that would enhance their daily living. I have listed products that would make daily living easier for you and your pet. Your pet would thank you, so check them out!
Men and Women need each other in life. In the world we live in, I think it’s important to teach why men and women need each other in each other’s lives and how masculine/feminine energy fit with meditation. One of the ways that a man falls in love with a woman is through the characteristics of a nurturing woman. If the feminine energy illustrates the masculine energy of the qualities of a caring and nurturing woman, the man subconsciously gets drawn into and would feel the need to love, protect and provide for her. A mother is caring and nurturing, and if the masculine energy feels he’s at home, it means he also feels safe. Without the care and nurture of feminine energy, the masculine energy life expansion decreases. This makes this a reason why masculine energy can’t go without the need for feminine energy. The greatest type of healing for masculine energy isn’t through therapy, yoga, and even wellness breathing exercises. The most effective way to heal masculine energy is through feminine energy. Sure exercises could help maintain a man but ultimately the feminine energy is the healing energy on its own. Feminine energy requires love, safety, and security in order to feel drawn into masculine energy. If the feminine energy is forced into being the masculine energy, it completely destroys the feminine energy and in some cases, it may destroy her physical being as well. Feminine energy is healing energy, which means that in order to effectively heal another energy, the feminine energy must be healed on itself. If one asks how does the feminine energy heal on its own? The feminine energy heals through securement, safety, and love. Once the feminine energy feels the qualities of the masculine trait, subconsciously the feminine energy moves forward to nurturing the masculine trait. The connection between the feminine and the masculine traits will often align if both traits have the qualities they look for. A deeper connection draws them closer and creates love for one another. The masculine and feminine traits were biologically made for each other to give a level of emotional support to one another. An individual can reach far but only with an aligned partner would help reach a greater length in life.
Often times when we think of the word prayer, we think of prayer as a service. While that may be true in some cases, take a step back to pound on the word and deeply think about the benefits that go along with prayer. Ask yourself who is actually receiving the most benefit from prayer. Depending on your beliefs and how you perform your prayers, an individual has much to gain from just praying. Praying gives you a sense of time, but over time of consistent prayers, you’ll gain gratitude and appreciation for your life. According to Health Harvard, “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” We’re constantly comparing our lives to those who are fortunate, which can bring depression and anxiety into our lives. If we shifted our focus on comparing ourselves to someone whose life is unfortunate compared to ours, depression and anxiety are reduced. However, to make this clear, an individual should always seek growth in every aspect of their lives. Another factor that goes along with prayer is time management. Managing time is important to have a balanced life to complete our priorities and make room to spend time with our loved ones. Just like reading, praying creates focus, in which an individual is focused on spending time with the creator and limits physical distractions that may occur at any given moment. Additionally, prayer helps with our mobility which is one of the reasons why I added prayer to this list. I personally believe making time for prayer not only helps you in your current situation, but it is the possibility to creating a future in the afterlife. I believe it’s important to have balance to create a life in this world and in the afterlife. There’s a possibility that our lives might continue after earth, and it’s better to make the time to build our afterlife because we only live once and we can’t turn back time. In other words, it’s best to be prepared and build our legacy in the afterlife the same way we take the time to make productivity in this life to accomplish great milestones. Prayer is beneficial in so many ways for us, and it’s important to really dive deep into this topic. Disregarding this topic only limits your mind, and always remember success is only reached by the effort to put into the work.
There’s nothing more calming than listening to nature sounds. The crisp sound of rain makes me fall asleep faster than counting sheep in my sleep. The moment I close my eyes, it seems like I had moved to a calm environment where I feel safe. With past events that I had gone through, it was very difficult to rest at night. Oftentimes, I would wake up in the middle of the night scared of the past events presented in the present time dream. I started to notice nightmares reduced significantly because of the nightly preparation routine I go through before shutting my lids. Before heading off to sleep, I prepare the ambient light to a cooler color before turning on nature sounds. I then proceed to lower the temperature to 61 degrees cool to help me fall asleep easier. Taking rest is the only time that your body removes toxins and repairs itself, but sleeping in a cool stored room also helps you fall asleep throughout your sleeping schedule which will make you feel energized when you wake up. My mind has carried loads of information throughout the day, and it’s very difficult to wind down to sleep while having plenty of information roaming in my thoughts. To help clear my mind before sleep, I open up a book and read for 15 minutes before shutting my lids. Since we’re still on the topic, making room to take a nap towards the middle of your day is very beneficial to the human body. Taking the time to wind down during the busiest time of the day will give you the energy to finish the day off strong. I understand that the reflection of the light makes it difficult to fall asleep sometimes, but worry less because a comfortable sleep eye mask will do the trick. PTSD shouldn’t be taken lightly. Especially for those who can’t close their eyes because that may trigger the response. Psychiatry and medications could help certain individuals but that is usually not the case for others… The key focus is to pivot your focus from the past to the present. I know this sounds easy to just write it down but keep in mind that the little steps you take would help you reach great limits in life. Each day is a struggle to get through, which is why it’s important enough to remind yourself of the small steps you’re currently taking. Take note of what helps you sleep well at night and the changes that occur through your routines and as always, drink water and sleep tight!
Have you ever heard of the phrase, you are what you eat? Sometimes depending on what we digest into our bodies, could affect how we feel throughout the day. For example, if your diet consists of unhealthy diets such as soda and junk foods, you’ll start to have less energy, you’ll become hungry more often, and most importantly you’ll feel unhappy and moody. Many people are unaware of this because oftentimes humans forget to log the nutrition they had digested into their bodies. Without proper daily nutrition consumption, you’ll be at risk of having an imbalance of vitamins or possibly gaining unhealthy weight. It’s important to learn if we don’t take the necessary steps to improve what we eat, it can affect our well-being, but also the people around us that care about us the most. The key is balance when it comes to nutrition and it’s very important to start your journey early and continue through the process as you move forward in your adult life. Sometimes in life, it’s out of your control to eat healthily because of the availability of nutritional value available while we’re on the go. As an individual, we should be focusing on eating the proper fiber, calcium, proteins, and vitamins. A lot of the factor comes from our length meaning the taller you are the more you should consume your daily nutrition. Speak with your doctor about the recommended nutrition needed for your body. Alongside nutritional value, it’s also very important to maintain your body. Refer to Weight Control to learn more.
Combining all meditation methods can unlock mindfulness, peace, motivation, and stress-free, but most importantly, time management to help you stay focused and organized in your life. Stay safe and keep improving your life! This article is for anyone who’s looking for ways to improve their life. Always refer back to this page if you need to be refreshed or even motivated. Check out my other topics if you need more educating insights and if you know anyone struggling to meet on their end, refer them to this page and you may be the main factor to change someone’s life! If you have a question on your own, please feel free to drop a comment down below, and I will get back to you ASAP!
Questions to leave you with!
- What methods have you used to gain a meditated life?
- What’s one thing that has caught your attention?
- What do all I have listed have in common?