Weight Control

Success happens when you decide to change.

Depending on the reason why you started on your weight loss journey, you can either become consistent on your route, or it could be a sessional journey! Exercise plays a huge role if you want to have more energy, strength, and discipline. Exercising takes you away from your comfort zone and puts you into the training ground.

Many people would stop and go back to old ways, but only those who are determined will continue and give themselves fewer excuses. If you’re just starting your journey, stick around! I’ll be sharing what has helped fuel my workouts, the types of foods that should be listed to help with your weight loss, and how to keep going through and break the barrier that usually stops someone from achieving the greatness and change they had always wanted! New Year’s resolution usually wears off, and it’s best to start developing your mindset first.

Don’t wait to start on New Year’s for your journey, because 80% of New Year’s resolutions will fail by the second week of February! On average, it takes about 66 days for a habit to become a normal part of your life, and you wouldn’t have to think of it! Down below I’ll be discussing the importance of exercise.

I will start by sharing that I had to go through a timeline of 66 days of training that has changed my routine back to becoming the best version of myself! To end it, I’ll share the equipment I have used to see results in my weight loss journey. I have lost weight and I have gained muscles at the same time without the need to join a month-to-month gym membership.

The backbone of progression is having mentors, and retaining knowledge. With GETUP you’ll get the whole deal under one package right at the tip of your fingers. By working out at home, you can save time to spend on other important factors in your life. Skip to the bottom of the page or click on the link to learn more about GETUP

Depending on your body type, your ultimate goals can defer from losing weight (Endomorph) to gaining more (ectomorph), or even maintaining your body to become more ripped and lean (mesomorph).

Whether you’re trying to gain weight, lose weight, or even maintain and define your physical looks, it’s important that you keep your heart pumping! You could look great from the outside, but how healthy are you internally? The key to change is to start now and don’t wait to start another day because chances are, you’ll more likely forget, procrastinate, or give yourself an excuse.

If you’re someone like myself, I played basketball and football for my high school, and sometimes I would come from school, and play basketball with my friends! Other times, my friends and I would play soccer, and we were just full of energy! As we grew older, we graduated from high school, and things weren’t the same anymore. I continued to play by myself, then switched from being a part-time worker to a full-time one. I often caught myself working 50-72 hours a week and noticed I was starting to feel fatigued and short of breath from walking up and down the stairs.

The day I changed was the day I switched my mentality and thought of a positive mindset. I used to hold back from working out and keeping my body unhealthy by forcing my mind into doing unproductive things such as eating unhealthy and sleeping after my meal. What I haven’t realized is that I was forming a new bad habit by making unhealthy decisions such as eating junk food and not exercising to keep my blood circulating. I was also eating dinner without a four-hour gap before bedtime.

I started to feel less confident until I saw a message on a church board that said, “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday!” I was shocked and realized the truth set right in front of my eyes. I felt like it was time for change to bring back the past life I once loved.

An endomorph is one of the three primary body types, or somatotypes, as characterized by the body type diet. Endomorphs are fundamentally described by their affinity to store fat, just as a more extensive waistline and greater bone construction. The overabundance of fat is frequently stored around the abdomen.

Assuming you have an endomorph body, you’ll need to eat fewer calories toward the start of the eating routine. Zero in on dinners with natural healthy food such as veggies, meats, fish, nuts, seeds, and oils like avocado or olive oil.

Begin with a basic breakfast like two bubbled eggs and grapefruit. It’s critical to eat loads of Vegetables and spotlight a sound carb in your eating regimen. As an endomorph, it’s critical to avoid white bread, oats, wafers, and lousy nourishment to get results! As an endomorph, you might need to see quicker results. To get quicker results, you should begin to eat better as well as add exercise to your everyday schedule!

Your body places calories into its fat tissues, putting away them for some time in the future. Assuming a bigger number of calories enter your fat tissue than leaving it, you gain fat. On the other hand, on the off chance that a greater number of calories leave your fat tissue than enter it, you lose fat.

Benefits that accompany practicing incorporate Exercising day by day adds to having a sound solid bones advancement. Practicing every day additionally Enhances your temperament, can help your state of mind, and control your weight overall!

Exercising additionally makes the bloodstream all through your body for better concentration. With a superior spotlight on your hands, you can find out more and surpass your scholastics! So get started on your weight loss journey and remember, it’s never too late to start being more healthy!

An individual with a fit and fragile body assemble has an ectomorph body. On uncommon events, you’ll observe 12% muscle versus fat in the ectomorph body. Assuming you have an ectomorph body, you will likely put on weight and mountain a solid average weight.

Ectomorph body types normally don’t dominate power and strength sports since they struggle to acquire bulk. It’s critical to add more protein and calories to your eating regimen, just as exercise! Ectomorphs need extra calories in their eating routine to assemble muscle, yet it’s critical to avoid shoddy nourishment in light of the fact that the objective is to make a sound propensity.

To acquire results, add 500 calories more than you normally eat to put on a solid weight consistently! Ectomorphs ought to burn through meat, fish, organic products, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. Utilize this chance to add exercise meetings to your bustling timetable and trust that the outcomes will heap in! To see gigantic creations, add a deadlift, bench press, barbell squats, leg press, leg extension, and lateral raises.

I have excluded sets and reps since we as a whole have our disparities and objectives. It relies exclusively upon the individual and how agreeable they are prior to continuing on to the following test. One tip that I might want to share is assuming your reps are higher than 8, you can continue on to a heavier set. Just make sure you have a friend to spot you! Good luck on your excursion, and continue to take a stab at additional!

A mesomorph is an individual with a smaller and stronger body fabricate. Mesomorph is set apart by more prominent than the normal strong turn of events. Assuming you have a higher level of muscle than muscle versus fat, you might have what is known as a mesomorph body type.

Mesomorphic individuals will more often than not normally have an athletic body type, along these lines is viewed as a competitor’s body since they could get fitter and put on weight rapidly! You can be mesomorph and still be unfortunate, that is the reason it’s vital to continue to keep up with your body. You’ll in any case look great however off by a long shot to the same as you could look with your body’s mesomorphic benefit. The second you quit keeping up with your body, you’ll notice that your body will become bulkier as fat can load up and weigh over your muscles.

It’s an unfortunate life cycle and would make your body become confounded over the long haul. A fair game plan including both cardio and weight preparation is suggested in your exercise schedule. It’s vital to take note of that inside your meetings, adding moderate to heavyweights is critical to animating muscle development. Practice strength preparation, and cardio. Strength preparation will significantly build your metabolic rate, which will help your body consume the pointless fat you’re attempting to dispose of.

Best of all, you don’t need to work out every single day assuming you practice these. On the main day of your exercise week, you can prepare your legs and abs. Zero in on your back and shoulders the following day. Complete your week by zeroing in on your chest and arms. Furthermore, you can rehearse endurance with high-impact practice which should be possible by holding one day out of the week. Similarly, to Ectomorph and Endomorph, it’s critical to add nourishing food like fish, nuts, and low-carb suppers! By doing so, you’ll be able to maintain your body and overall health!

I wanted to begin my fitness journey without spending on a recurring gym membership. I’ve realized that sometimes going to the gym can make you unfocused. Depending on the hour and your location, you’ll find yourself being patient to use the workout machine which could lead to skipping an important workout routine that you’ll lose.

Another factor runs in losing time while traveling to the gym. Without the need to leave your home, you can begin your fitness at home, which means more time on your hands. I understand that sometimes you can lose focus at home just the same way you’d lose time at the gym. It’s important to note that you must be willing to put in the same effort as you will by going to the gym.

To minimize distraction inside your home, you must put your workout gear in a completely different room. By doing so, you’re not only limiting distractions but you’re telling your mind subconsciously that it’s time to take things seriously when entering this room.

Jump rope

Jump rope is the most cheapest and effective way of losing weight. Only 10 minutes of bouncing rope is comparable to running a mile. The average individual weighing 150 pounds would lose around 105 calories, while somebody who weighs 200 pounds would lose around 190 calories.

Hop roping is powerful against mileage for your joints when contrasted with running. hop roping can assist with animating your psychological mindfulness for the remainder of the day and it’s a simple method for keeping your heart flowing. You don’t have to buy an expensive jump rope, you’ll find the one right for you! check it out!


It is first accepted that free weights were concocted in the mid-century and had become a well-known exercise by the 18th century. Dumbbell curls are an extraordinary bicep developer and could assist with conditioning your arms.

When beginning to utilize hand weights, it’s essential, to begin with, an agreeable weight and move gradually up. Get familiar with the compelling method of utilizing free weights by continually controlling the constriction. Doing the compelling way assists with building muscles faster as well as keeps you from having a physical issue.

The best part about using a dumbbell is its multi-purpose usage, meaning that dumbbells can be used to build your chest, biceps, triceps, and your back. Dumbbells can help build muscles and tone your body. By using heavier sets, you can accomplish those muscle gains you always wanted, and by using lighter weights, you can tone your body just the way you want! If you combine using heavy and lighter weights, you can accomplish having a defined and muscular body!

When using dumbbells, you can be creative by targeting specific muscles of your body, just make sure to practice safety when encountering unfamiliar muscles by lowering the weight and gradually moving your muscles. Ladies, if you’re afraid that dumbbells could make your arms wider, and bulkier then no worries! By using lighter weights, you can have the toned body you dreamed of!

If you’re new or willing to take things a step further, I suggest looking into a program called GETUP to get you moving in the right direction! GETUP is a program made by one of the best coaches in the world. You’ll gain unlimited insight knowledge and the step-by-step process to progress throughout your journey.

Did you know: Benjamin Franklin once wrote about using dumbbells?

Ankle weights

Utilizing lower leg loads can assist with expanding your calorie consumption and advancing weight reduction. moreover, lower leg loads will assist with conditioning your calf, thigh, and muscular strength, rump, and the rear of your legs.

You can lose your difficult-to-arrive gut fat just by utilizing lower leg loads and performing Partial crunches, leg raises, raised leg circles, scissors, ripple kicks, long arm supports, and even knee braces. lower leg loads assist with characterizing your abs and legs as well as help with making your muscle bunches more grounded.

It’s critical to take note that having sluggish energy and controlling your movements while utilizing lower leg loads will furnish you with the best outcomes better than uncontrolled lifting.

You’re bound to become harmed assuming you’re not going at your agreeable speed. Sometimes, you can lower leg loads during your swimming examples, which will then, at that point, target new muscle bunches you ordinarily don’t utilize every day. Try not to be hesitant to attempt new exercises, and yet be careful around you and practice safely with mobility exercises.

Bench press

The bench press works an assortment of chest area muscles however predominantly centers around the chest. Bench press helps your body increment bulk, which can, thus, lead to a decrease in fat. In one hour of bench pressing, you could lose about 180 to 500 calories depending on your weight.

Bench Pressing became well known by the last part of the 1950s. The advantage of bench pressing is that it would provide chest area strength. Bench presses reinforce and assemble every one of the three rear arm muscle heads and work on bone well-being. Very much like some other exercise, it’s vital to control your exercise meetings and take things slow.

The advantages of controlling your exercises allude back to forestalling injury, and the second you become harmed is the second that your objectives are slowed down until you completely recuperate. Another calculator runs by acquiring muscles speedier by controlling the loads.

Any individual could push ahead to heavier sets by finishing 8 controlled reps with no indication of battle. I for one love seat squeezing since it centers around different muscle bunches simultaneously.

During my recuperation, my muscles feel extraordinary when I’m extending. if it’s not too much trouble, note that assuming your muscles are harmed when extending, you might have exhausted yourself, so it’s essential to know your cutoff points, and you can go a little further in your future exercises to beat your maximum!


A treadmill is a piece of exercise center hardware. The treadmill is for the most part utilized for running and strolling in the home or rec center. Before you bounce on the treadmill, you should extend your entire body including your legs.

In the wake of stretching, it’s critical to get ready for around 4-5 minutes prior to getting a move on. Actually, I feel like there’s nothing more regrettable than having an issue during the center of your exercises. One occasion could prompt another, so it’s ideal to work on stretching before, during, and later your exercises to remain safe.

There are different advantages to running on treadmills. First off, assuming the climate isn’t at its best, you can utilize your indoor treadmill for similar outcomes. Treadmills are made to retain shock on the knees, which makes it an optimal exercise for somebody with a terrible knee. When utilizing a treadmill, different pieces of your body are actuated including your heart, quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and glutes.

The Incline method of a treadmill would assist with lower leg muscles and fortify your thighs. In a decrease mode, the treadmill would help with speed and speed increase on a level surface however could put loads of weight on your knees.

By moving delayed on a declining level on a treadmill, you could assist with fortifying your knees. The capacity to walk in reverse aids consumes a larger number of calories than pushing ahead. Your body isn’t accustomed to strolling in reverse, yet when you do, your mind turns out to be more engaged and would believe there’s risk around.

By strolling in reverse, your heart siphons quicker than pushing ahead. In particular, strolling in reverse assists with your faculties and is a compelling method for learning balance. Continue learning, continue to endeavor, and remember to have a go at something new that is gainful to your body!


Bicycle Indoor/Outdoor

The word bicycle began being utilized quite a while later the main bicycles went discounted as the main models were called velocipedes. Biking doesn’t just assist with fuel utilization and contamination however there are medical advantages around it! Cycling is perhaps the best diversion for individuals who need the very energy that is consumed for strolling can be utilized when cycling to go multiple times quicker.

Cycling can lessen the danger of having a coronary illness or a stroke, and riding a fixed bicycle is considered cardiovascular exercise. The ordinary cardio practice assists in lowering high blood pressure directs glucose and may forestall respiratory failures.

A bicycle puts less weight on your joints while providing you with the increase in practice you really want day by day! Biking can assist you with losing additional pounds or keeping up with your present weight, Biking is the ideal method of being bold and fun while likewise getting in shape!

It’s prescribed that 40 to 60 miles is the normal day-by-day distance suggested for most bicycle travelers. Biking assists with weight reduction as well as with pressure, supports your invulnerable framework, saves your brain, helps with your cardiovascular framework, forestalls having type two diabetes, and advances careful rest.

There are countless advantages that accompany biking and first thing, balance is critical to turning into an incredible cyclist. The main downside of cycling is a mishap. Inside the city, you may come across different cyclists, people on foot, vehicles, and street structures. Assuming riding a bike gives you dread and uneasiness, you can give gigantic gratitude to stationary bikes that you can put in the solace of your home!

With a stationary bike, you don’t need to be stressed over adjusting, to climate, traffic, or even street development. The average person weighing 150 pounds could lose 160 calories with a 20-minute workout! With stationary bikes, you have the chance to watch your beloved entertainment while getting the activity for the afternoon. I get any reasonable person who would agree that stationary bikes cause you to turn into a multi-tasker. Remain protected on your excursion and continue to ride!


Did you know? One of the first bicycles was created in France.


When I hear someone say anything about swimming or water, I get very excited! Swimming is fun, adventurous, and mysterious, but can also turn into an exercise.

For someone with joint, bone, and muscle pain, swimming could take the stress off your joints, so that you can exercise by limiting the amount of pain that’s caused by the gravity pressure on your joints! The benefit of swimming is that it builds more stamina without the need to use extra weights.

In fact, when you’re swimming, you’ll feel as if a weight had been extracted from your body the moment you hop in the water. In order to get a great workout through swimming, I recommend swimming for 30 minutes to an hour. Don’t be discouraged, you can start off with what you’re comfortable with, and work your way up.

The average person weighing about 150 pounds would lose 1 pound in six hours of swimming. I love swimming because it’s fun! With swimming, it’s best to practice when you want to build stamina and endurance as well as from recovery!


You can play catch with your friends, you could play flag football with a group of your friends, or you could play real-deal football. Whatever your choice is, you’re still going to lose calories just by playing football.

Football is fun and could be a competitive game to play with your friends. While having fun with your friends, you’ll be able to lose approximately 400 calories by playing flag football for just 30 minutes if you weigh above 200 pounds. Within the same time frame, you’ll accomplish losing about 300 calories if you weigh around 150 pounds.

Since football is a competitive game to play, it’s vital to stretch before, during, and after the game to minimize any type of injuries! Below are my favorite types of equipment needed to keep the game rolling!

Did you know? Football was rugby until the 1880s.


Personally, one of the most fun (other than swimming of course) and competitive games to play. Basketball gives you the cardio you need daily without having to spend on unnecessary items other than the ball, and comfortable lightweight shoes. I fell in love with basketball the moment I picked up the ball from the ground tossed it across the court and made the shot a little further behind the half-court.

Everyone has their own experiences on how they got involved in playing basketball. Basketball has become a part of my life ever since, and every time I have the opportunity to pick up on a game, I would take that chance because basketball is a fun activity when you have competition!

When you’re on the court alone, use that time to practice your jump shots, lay-ups, and dribbling because those are crucial during the game. Once you have progressed through the fundamentals, you can move to more advanced moves such as step-back shots, fake, and fadeaway shots to amplify your game.

Practice makes you become a better player, and without chemistry with your teammates, it’s going to be nearly impossible to win a game. So if your dream is to play basketball professionally, or want to become a better shooter, it’s important to learn a form where you can control your aim and your follow-through after you take the shot but most importantly if you’re not a team player, it’s going to be a very difficult task to get the win.

On the bright side, if you play basketball with your friends, there’s a chance to lose about 120 calories in just 12 minutes. Pick up the ball and have fun with your friends!



Without the need to purchase hardware, an individual could develop their actual appearance and work on their general well-being by doing free weight exercises, for example, normal push-ups, Diamond push-ups, Incline push-ups, decrease push-ups, Leg Kicks, Side crunches, cross crunches, hikers, V-ups, boards, side planks, and Russian turns, Start your exercises by putting a mat under your favored exercise region.

Before you start your exercise, It’s critical to remove 5 mins from your opportunity to extend your body! Get your exercise going by completing 12 reps and 2 arrangements of push-ups. Rest for around two minutes. Continue to do Diamond push-ups by completing 12 reps and 2 sets.

In the wake of finishing 2 sets of diamond push-ups, try to rest again for around 1-2 minutes prior to continuing on to the following exercise. On your next exercise, center around Incline push-ups and decline push-ups with 12 reps and 2 sets in the middle both of those push-ups work out.

Then, you’ll need to chip away at performing leg kicks by completing 12 reps with 2 sets. After you had your rest from leg kicks, you’ll need to focus next on side crunches and cross crunches with 12 reps and 2 sets. The subsequent stage is to perform mountain climbers by completing 2 arrangements of 50 reiterations. After mountain climbers, center around V-ups situps by completing 2 arrangements of 12 reps.

Progress next with standard planks for 30 sec with a set of 2 and side planks for 30 secs on each side. End your exercise with Russian Twists with 50 reps with a bunch of 2. If it’s not too much trouble, note, that it’s essential to take a rest in the middle of exercises prior to continuing on to the following.

Make certain to add this to your everyday schedule to some extent one time each day. Consistency assumes a colossal part and you need to appear every single day on the off chance that you’re willing to make the forfeiting change to improve as a variant of yourself!

Abdominal workout Equipment:

Whether you lift, play sports, or even have any type of endurance exercise in your routine, I found that using headphones keeps me pushing throughout my workouts. The best part about headphones is that it keeps you motivated through your entire workout.

Without headphones, you must have a strong mindset. Working out without headphones is possible, but it’s extremely difficult especially when you’re just starting off your journey. I pick these specific headphones over the competitors such as air pods, and galaxy buds because of the compact and quality built inside this machine.

During my workouts, the earbuds are trapped inside my ears, so that I can focus on what’s important. Another feature I love about the headphone is that it has adjustable ANC built-in which helps block distractions and the best part is that you can adjust how much noise that comes inside the app.

When I’m jogging outside, my safety is number one, Jabra also has a feature built-in called Hear-Through. Hear-through lets you hear your surroundings through a mic that’s built inside the device. I’m amazed at how the Hear-Through lets you listen to your surroundings live, meaning that there is no delay.

Overall this headphone is amazing and I’ve been using headphones for everyday type of scenarios. Last but not least, the lasting time of the battery is really amazing, and to further increase your battery Jabra uses Mano mode which you could use one earphone independently

On full-charged headphones, I could listen continuously for about 8 hours, until it gives me a notification to charge my headphones. If you thought that was impressive, realize that the headphones come in a battery case that will recharge your headphones for up to 30 hours! which means that you don’t have to keep on charging your headphones as much as the competitors.

The build on this device is a beast, I’ve dropped my buds more than a few and it’s working perfectly today! Jabra is a multi-purpose compact headphone with amazing bass which means you can use it not only for your workouts, but you could make clear calls with it as well! Jabra also has Alexa and Google assistance already built in. Jabra are great earphones for your early morning runs. Check out Jabra for yourself, you’ll be amazed!


In order to perform well in your workouts, it’s important that you come prepared physically and mentally before you start your exercise.  In order to become physically prepared, I prefer to work out in my sweatpants and sweatshirts. If you’re someone like myself, comfort is my priority when wearing clothes in general.

During the fall/winter, I tend to wear sweats often. I would rather have comfort and warmth than have trendy clothes. Comfort clothes keep me warm while performing my workouts, and if it’s raining outside, I wear a rain jacket along with my running shoes. After you’re set wearing your gear, it’s time to start stretching your whole body before you start your exercise. During the middle of your exercise, it’s important to take a rest and start stretching.

After you are done with your exercise, make sure to also stretch! The key importance of stretching is to prevent muscle cramps and injury. For each stretching session you have, make sure to give about 5-10 minutes of your time! The best time to stretch is when your muscles are warmed up and that’s because your muscles stretch easily as compared to not warming up your body. In order to become strong, flexible, and healthy, it’s important to stretch!

There’s much more benefit to stretching other than being strong, and flexible. Stretching would help with keeping your muscles relaxed, make your body feel more energized, and help with the pain in your joints and muscles. Keep a record of your data to see your progress in your journey.

Sometimes we can get off guard, and lose focus. It’s very important to keep your milestones using the traditional method by keeping a journal for progress reports. If you have a smartphone and want to step things up, buying a smart scale takes things to the next level.

I’ve listed the benefits of having a smart scale down below. A smart scale is a great investment if you’re interested in learning more about your body and you’re fully committed to learning more about your body.  I tend to like working out in sweatpants so that I can feel comfortable, safe, and flexible during workouts. Below is an example of my ideal workout clothes.


My favorite smartwatch for fitness. I’ve been using the Huawei smartwatch since its release date. Just like any other smartwatch, not only counts your steps, voice calls, or sends a message through your watch but the battery lasts about a week without having GPS and has an always-on display.

One feature I really love about the smartwatch is that it’s able to record your  Just like other smartwatches in the market, you’ll be able to track your progress throughout the week.

The Smartwatch reminds you to move around, and help with motivation! Rest assured that you can leave your phone behind because it has Esim built inside your watch. I’ll leave Huawei’s competitors and leave a comment on who you think stands out in the smartwatch industry.

A smart scale notifies your weight just like the old traditional scales, but smart scales could also imbue with your history of weight, along with your Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Percentage (BFP), Muscle Rate, body water, bone mass, protein rate, metabolic age, and many more information within the Fit track Pro app!

Without a smart scale, You’re stuck in the old traditional weight scale. Smart scales are another source of understanding what your body is lacking. The old traditional weight scales only show your weight. With the smart scale, you’ll understand your body well by reading what you could improve in order to advance.

Honestly, if you work out, and you’re still using the old scales, you’re not communicating directly with your body. There’s so much important information you missing that your body wants to inform you of. Smart scales are a way to take your healthy life to another level. With a one-time payment, you don’t need a subscription, you only need your scale and your body. In addition, it’s fun learning about your body, while being on a fast track to improve your lifestyle and your only body!

What I love about the Fit Track Smart Scale is that you connect it with your Fitbit smartwatch in the setting inside the Fit Track Pro app! You can find the Fit Track Scale on Amazon for less than $100! Give smart scales a chance to improve your life and I can assure you that it’s the best decision you have made in your life because I still have them after two years!

So far, we have learned about different body types and equipment to help you progress through your journey, but there is one important piece of information left. No matter how long you’ve been on this journey, without the right nutrition, you’re in the cycle where it repeats itself.

What I mean by this is that if you work out and eat unhealthy fast food and non-nutritional food, you’re not going to progress through your journey. Without seeing progress, you often become discouraged, and for some people, that’s when the average person thinks about postponing their journey. Instead of shifting towards a better nutritional value for your body, people often blame genetics. While genetics has a small fraction, it’s often the nutritional value people give to their bodies.

Another point that’s made is that most of the time, people are on the go. Whenever you step out of your home, you’re exposed to unhealthy decisions. Fast foods across the United States are proven to have non-nutritional value. On top of that, fast foods such as McDonald’s were constructed to make you feel hungry again with all the additives made along with them!

There are options to change your life back around, if you take the step, your skin will be flawless, you’ll be lighter, and full of energy, can save money, your mood will be uplifted, and most importantly, you’ll find yourself to become a more productive person! Start your day with a Plant-Based Protein such as UpNourish! UpNourish is a plant-based protein that not only tastes amazing but the protein shake can completely replace a meal, which makes it perfect for someone such as myself who’s always on the go! The plant-based protein shake comes in two flavors, creamy chocolate, and peanut butter! Comes with a 180-day money-back guarantee from the purchase date, which means you have more to gain than lose!  Check it out, you’ll be surprised!

Action speaks louder!

There’s a saying, “Action speaks louder than words.” what this meant to me is that if all you do is talk about your plans but seem to put off those tasks, you’re more likely to postpone your goals. Everyone has dreams and goals that they want to accomplish, but the question is how many people step into the field and actually do the work one day at a time? To be successful, you must be willing to put in the hard work each and every day and outperform your last record.

It’s important that you practice a momentum pace that your body is comfortable with so that you don’t overwork yourself. Chances are if you over-exercise, your body is 2 times more likely to be injured which will slow the process of getting to your goals in fitness! So take your time according to your body, and realize that there is no overnight success.

During this time of writing, 80% of Americans had already given up on their New Year’s resolution. Keep climbing when success is nowhere in sight, and that’s what sets you off against the average person. Eventually, you’ll see success after climbing a steep hill, so keep climbing toward success!

To have a goal you must have a vision. Sometimes your goal can be deprived by a certain feeling that you’re pursuing. Oftentimes, goals with specific goals with realistic goals usually end up being achieved. More than often, an individual who sets an unrealistic goal will lead to putting off the task or be unmotivated to continue with their weight control journey.

In order to maintain your weight control journey, it’s important to plan ahead and have a game plan for the week. Within your own schedule, it’s important to choose a workout plan and strategies for the upcoming week and decide which part of your body would you like to focus on the upcoming week.

Once you set up a plan and strategy for the week, it’s important to stick to your new routine. You can have all the knowledge on top of your head, but without any work being put into your daily workout sessions, you will find yourself in the same position as you were just when you first started your journey.

Sometimes it’s best to find a partner who has the same goals as yours to keep you motivated and interested to continue further down in your weight control journey. Having a friend who has the same vision as yours could motivate you to continue, and sometimes, you can reach the goal you’re aiming for faster. In order to see progress, and become closer to success, you must be willing to do the work.

Doing the work means waking up and working out when you’re not feeling like doing anything. Consistency means every day without giving yourself any excuses because, after all, we’re not getting any younger. So do yourself a favor and start now. Above everything, it’s important to practice working out in a safe manner without overworking yourself, and to have your rest days so that you can come back stronger without having to risk an injury!

If you are having financial difficulties affording the equipment needed to buy a smart scale, then don’t be discouraged! I have included a BMI calculator from Calculate Your BMI – Standard BMI Calculator (nih.gov) is a free online tool used to learn more about great recommendations such as eating right, being physically active, and health risks! Take advantage of MuscleWiki to learn about lifting with each part of the muscles on your body!

If you find yourself in doubt of yourself, feel free to refer back to this website if you need motivation or to refresh yourself. If you’re determined to work on yourself but unsure where to start, I suggest heading over to Getup!  Getup is an app for beginners starting out on a weight control journey or for those who are willing to go to the next level healthy lifestyle. Not only can you benefit from insight from professional trainers sharing the secrets to a healthy lifestyle, but a deeper look into nutritional value with meal plans that are generated through your future body goals. If that’s not enough, Getup has tailored workout programs, professional coaching videos, body blasting exercises, habit tracking, and many more services for only $199.99. Without ever having to leave your safe space, you can save time and money! Once acquired, Getup will help save you money with fitness mentorships, and you’ll gain insight and knowledge from all of the professionals in the fitness health industry!

Send this link to a friend who can benefit from the information and possibly, you can help someone who just needs a little push! Sharing this information can help someone but could also help this community.

Now that you have the information in your hands, would you use your knowledge for action, or will you waste it? The choice is yours to make!

Question to leave you with: If you saw the end of your goal from a distance, would you stare at your goal from a distance or would you take a step each day to get closer?